Monday, February 17, 2014

Walter Mitty

"You should know those people worked really hard to build this magazine. They believed in the motto"

~ Walter Mitty

.... This was actually my favorite quote from the movie, Walter returned to his former office to return the negative that he was missing reason for him to get fired. I like how he really had valued his work all those years he worked for the company and to me that's passion. Passion is the greatest reason why people become successful in whatever they do. Whether its work, family, church duty or simple recreation alone or with friends. Its the drive to live, love for life itself is passion. It was such a loss how the new management fail to see people like Walter. They are the core of the whole company. The "LIFE" magazine as they know it, will not be as popular as it is if not for the people who works hard every day to bring the story to the table. We owe it a lot to them.

"To see the world, 
things dangerous to come to,
to see behind walls, draw closer, 
to find each other, and to feel. 
That is the purpose of life."

~ Walter Mitty ~

..... There was a sense of intrigue and suspense as Walter take every zone moment to journey his secret life. I love this part of the story because I can totally relate. I don't know if you ever do but I usually had those "zone out moments" but unlike Walter Mitty I often had it unnoticed. This may be weird but watching Walter Mitty inspired a lot of what I used to be interested in. It reminded me of the passion I used to have and made me grab the camera I just got and start capturing life as it happens. I love Walter Mitty. I really do. The movie in general was like heroes-mission-impossible-seven-years-in-tibet-2012-you've-got-mail-ish type of  a movie. I think its very creative in a way you'll be able to plot a story like that in a non-fiction movie. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Sayang Na Nakaraan"

I was reading facebook this morning and I encounter this words "Sayang na nakaraan" coming from I guess a unhappy-bitternacious-single girl? boy? or was it gay? I can't really remember. Anyhow, what I would like to point out is: I love the fact that I was born on a Valentines day because I get to share it with love. Although, I recently observed while some are so excited for the things that may happen since it "love month" there are others who are  just unexcited about the coming heart's day. But if you stare at those three words it can actually mean a lot more depending on how people choose to see it. I guess I see those words differently. If you have to look back to your past, what do you see? or what do you choose to see? Then those three words can mean differently. To me it's like these: I choose to move the "ng" word which I think of as the "nice and good" and remove "na" which is the "not admirable" things to make it better and to look like this:

"Saya ng nakaraan"
A simple equation but I think much worthy to remember.

"Choose to see the good memories rather than the bad ones,
It will make it more easier to see Valentines day with anticipation.
You don't want to miss out from your soon to be 
miss or mister right"

......Something to think about this coming Valentines day......

Now what do you choose to see in your past?

The Walk

I have always love Yiruma pieces but I think the most memorable piece for me would be the music he was playing while I was walking in my most beautiful white dress.

"A River Flows In You"
by Yiruma
Lyrics Translation in English

There's a road inside your heart made just for you
Don't be scared take your first step and then take two
Pain will come but I believe you can endure
Further down that road just trust a little more

Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Slow it down, slow it down
That river flows inside me too
Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Waiting now, waiting now
Just be strong
You will make it through

If you let me I will give my heart to you
So that I can feel you what else can I do
Can you hold on just a little longer still
In your heart if you believe it then you will

Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Slow it down, slow it down
That river flows inside me too
Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Waiting now, waiting now
Just be strong
You will make it through

Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Slow it down, slow it down
That river flows inside me too
Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Waiting now, waiting now
Just be strong
You will make it through

Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Slow it down, slow it down
That river flows inside me too
Holding you, holding you
It's in you
River flows in you
Waiting now, waiting now
Just be strong
You will make it through

Source: Translation in English

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Happy Birthday

Greetings for someone dear to me... ^_^

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