Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am....

As a person....

I am a child... who is still unaware of some battles of life, therefore needs guidance as I walk the uncertainty of it.

I am a woman... who has limitations that often lacks the strength to face the heaviness of life's burden.

On my faith....

I am not perfect.... I have my own flaws and needs God, so I won't be persuaded easily by worldly deeds.

I am a student.... still learning about God and his ways.

I am a seed... needs nourishment by feeding my soul the bread of life (God's word)...

I can be who God's wants me to be.... and I know as I grow to be that person I have to prepare myself to:

*Get hurt, and feel pain....
"The PAIN caused you to REPENT and CHANGE your ways"
~ 2 Corinthians 7:9

*Live for others not just for myself....
"And if your brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with you; then you shall relieve him: yes, though he be stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with you"
~ Leviticus 25:35

*Continue to live in the scriptures...
"Men does not live with bread alone, but in ever word that comes from the mouth of God" ~Matthew 4:4

.......When I finally accepted God to be my savior, I no longer live by the works of the world but will serve to live for God.....

I am not perfect, and I know to be successful in my journey I can not do in on my own... but through Christ alone.... I would no longer boast about worldly deeds but I'll be bold in sharing God's words....

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