Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am....

As a person....

I am a child... who is still unaware of some battles of life, therefore needs guidance as I walk the uncertainty of it.

I am a woman... who has limitations that often lacks the strength to face the heaviness of life's burden.

On my faith....

I am not perfect.... I have my own flaws and needs God, so I won't be persuaded easily by worldly deeds.

I am a student.... still learning about God and his ways.

I am a seed... needs nourishment by feeding my soul the bread of life (God's word)...

I can be who God's wants me to be.... and I know as I grow to be that person I have to prepare myself to:

*Get hurt, and feel pain....
"The PAIN caused you to REPENT and CHANGE your ways"
~ 2 Corinthians 7:9

*Live for others not just for myself....
"And if your brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with you; then you shall relieve him: yes, though he be stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with you"
~ Leviticus 25:35

*Continue to live in the scriptures...
"Men does not live with bread alone, but in ever word that comes from the mouth of God" ~Matthew 4:4

.......When I finally accepted God to be my savior, I no longer live by the works of the world but will serve to live for God.....

I am not perfect, and I know to be successful in my journey I can not do in on my own... but through Christ alone.... I would no longer boast about worldly deeds but I'll be bold in sharing God's words....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

"La Suite de las Calles Vacias"

There's something about the music and how this video was made enchanted me....

Love the music....
Love the streets...
Love the intensity of the video....

Take me to Spain..... ^_^

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guard our heart

“Everything that God allows in the life of a believer has been divinely designed. There are no mistakes in the plan that was made for you long before the foundation of the earth. Whatever is happening in your life that doesn’t seem right or fair has been allowed for a distinct purpose. It is never easy to suffer through our painful trials, but it is the working of our faith that gives us endurance to stay in the race and not give up.”
~ Marianne Lordi

To walk in faith is a struggle... I remember Pastor Joey said to understand how bad you were as a person is to try to be a good one... Our journey to heaven is indeed a struggle but always remember not to give up. Never let envy, hate, jealousy, sorrow control your heart for its like an elephant's ant that will eat the very goodness of your soul... been there and its not a pleasant experience for me and my loved one... and just had the urges to share this to you so you will know it too... "Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life" ~ Proverbs 4:23

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